When you receive a refund in your account, it comes in as a separate transaction from the original, but it will match the value unless it’s just a partial refund.
Sometimes your refund will be allocated to the following bill if it’s received after the 29th of every month. You can then either choose to pay that bill and leave the refund as it is or request to move it back to the closed bill by getting in touch with our customer service team.
The important thing to remember here is that because the refund comes in as a separate transaction, it won't match the original purchase so you'll need to replan the original purchase back to 1 month (in full) so it can be applied to the refund and you'll stop seeing that on future bills. Otherwise what will happen here is that the refund will be applied to your account but the purchase made will continue to carry on in future bills, which can cause some confusion, and we understand that.
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